Our God is a God of Radical Generosity. When the Apostle Paul wanted to encourage an urban church in a culture to be people of radical generosity, he pointed them to this truth about God seen most clearly in the giving of His Son.
Radical generosity is generosity that flows from an encounter with this radically generous God we meet in the gospel of Jesus Christ. When the gospel takes root in our lives, it becomes the story that shapes, informs, and defines the decisions and direction of our lives. So, just like Christ, we gladly become poor, giving sacrificially of our lives to enrich the lives of others. Just as our Savior poured himself out to rescue and enrich our lives, so we should pour out our lives to rescue and enrich the lives of others – not just friends and family, but even those who are removed from us.
Ways to Give
Text FBCPORTER to 73256
The reply link will prompt you initially to set up your giving method. You can give a one-time gift or set up a recurring text gift.
You can bring your gift to any of our worship services to drop in one of our offering receptacles outside the Worship Center doors. You may also bring your gift to the church office during regular weekly office hours.
Mail your check to PO Box 650, Porter, TX 77365